
Emulators (You can try another emulator if current one doesn't work with game):


DreamWeb is an awesome thriller with elements of cyberistics. As stated in the review below, there are a lot of roughness and understatement inside the game, and without the documentation accompanying the game (well-written, I want to note) you can absolutely understand nothing. Nonetheless, this is an awesome game, with good, albeit unique graphics, excellent animation and an incredible soundtrack.

But the puzzles in the game are not that complicated, but it can be very difficult to come to their solution. The game does not give a hint to the player, or it gives a very vague. And to look for one single solution method, conceived by the developers, although a player can come to his seemingly login solution, it is extremely difficult. Pixelhunting does not facilitate the situation - you have to poke into every object and perform all possible actions with it, even if it seems that the object is just a dichotomy.
And, not me, I personally received a lot of pleasure from the game, despite even the unpardonable, it would seem, quest errors. The game is short, you can go in the evening, even if you will stop every other time. The game is clearly worth attention and it can be considered an underestimated classic of quests from the end of the last century and a representative of the cyberpunk genre in video games.

The perspective is slightly non-standard - a top view (not in three quarters, namely at a right angle to the floor) and a window with a magnifying glass, to simplify the process of pixel hunting.

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    - 02-03-2021 14:29:07
    Wow DreamWeb! That's incredible game, i will play it later...