Corporation is a completely forgotten now 3D-action in the first person, released in one year with Hovertank 3D. Nowadays nobody remembers him. Many of his ideas were not subsequently developed. But it may very well be that he has every right to be called "the very first FPS in history."
As always in action’s, there is a plot, but understanding it is problematic. And is it necessary? The distant future, cyberpunk, faceless powerful corporations (see the name of the game), a policeman with a fair amount of metal in the body, gloomy (and sometimes not so) corridors and terrible mutant enemies, products of illegal genetic experiments. To link together all these elements of the logical chain, anyone is invited to independently.
But what is really worth paying attention to is two things: our hero and the graphic capabilities of the game. Nobody will give you just starting to shoot like that - first you need to fine-tune the characteristics of the character, of which there’s simply an amazing amount of action (and even enough for the average RPG). Strength, endurance, speed, even intelligence (because there will be "riddles" in the game) - everything is in place. But now, having dealt with the difficult “to shoot” business for fans, we find ourselves in the game itself. And what do we see? Is it really happened in 1991 ?! With all due respect to Hovertank 3D, he is far from a similar graphic level, to put it mildly. Completely three-dimensional, polygonal (!) Various enemies in the form of monsters and robots, a convenient mini-map, freedom of view at ALL 360 degrees - and this is 1991, yes. At the same time, there are many more puzzles, a separate battle tactics with each kind of creatures, and even some stealth elements. In a word - great.
This game still can not be called something completely amazing, but it definitely deserves high marks for quality performance in all directions and exciting gameplay. Maybe not a diamond, but a pearl - for sure. It is strongly recommended to all fans of the action genre as an excellent example of the very first action’s, which in many respects surpass their “younger brothers”, as an example of the direction the genre could develop in, as well as just another great old game.
- 02-03-2021 14:29:07