FNF Corrupted Data vs Sonic.EXE
Here you can play game FNF Corrupted Data vs Sonic.EXE Html 5 in browser online.
This game is classified as Arcade. If you like it, leave your impressions in the comments. And also share with others in the social networks. Enjoy all!
FNF Corrupted Data vs Sonic.EXE Mod Credits:
- Follow their official Twitter account
- P.R.: Owner, Director and Chromatic Scale Creator for Sonix
- ZueltheCat: Director And Artist/Creator For Red X
- TheMusicHeadset: Co Director
- Endah: Lead Artist/Animator And Source/Lua Coder
- dayla: Animator For Red X
- AdvideGEP: Artist/Animator for Sonix Phase 2
- Giga: Created Sonix
- SmokeCannon: Composer for True Red And Master Plan
- IckyIZ: Composer for Sly Hog
- Visummum: Composer for Red Static and Carnivorous
- MashProTato: Awesome Friend and Creator of The Note skin
- Fidy50: Charter for Red Static
- lily-clipee-chan: Charter for Carnivorous And True Red
- Kazuma: Charter for Master Plan
- Elie: Charter for Sly Hog
- Puff Skull: VA for Crimson Rex/Co-Director
- Cougar MacDowall: Red X death lines VA
- CozyDough: VA for Sonix
- AnOldTeddyBear: Lua Coder, My Older Brother. Love you bro
- 02-03-2021 14:29:07