Hovertank 3D
Hovertank 3D is the first FPS under DOS. Officially.
Yes, the graphics are weak. Yes, there is no colorful music or crazy plot. It's simple - we, the humble pilot of a hovercraft, rush along the corridors, extinguish different creatures (most of which served as a prototype for the creatures in the first DooM) and save the people captured by them.
Of the interesting charms is the “wiggle” effect on an air cushion, capable of rocking less persistent players until all impressions are poured onto the keyboard; "live" sound recorded for playback using PC Speaker, the earlier only text quests from Legend and the rare earth hit Mach 3 ... actively dabbled in and, of course, the engine from John Carmack. Of course, then no one had expected him to grab the stars from the sky ... But he already showed all his programming power.
Summary. A somewhat monotonous, but no less interesting subject for research. Moreover, he really is the very first. This is important, brothers. It is very important.
- 02-03-2021 14:29:07