Might and Magic 3: Isles of Terra
Thanks to Might & Magic III: Isles of Terra, the M&M epic, in fact, was widely recognized; the first two parts failed to accomplish this task due to a number of circumstances: mediocre graphics, monotonous and boring gameplay, as well as a shallow and overly mysterious plot. In MM3, finally, the background of events was revealed, and it also became clear who these Korak and Sheltem are, as well as many other things.
It all starts with a group of six adventurers (the plot is Sir Kanegem (does it remind someone?), Craig Hack, Ressuctorra, Maximus, Dark Shade and Castor) discover several letters of Korak. After reviewing their content, they realized that it was their task to help Korak defeat Sheltem. How this event will end is entirely up to you. It should be noted that in addition to the opening address in the letters there is a large number of notes relating to almost every locality where you will visit.
In terms of game mechanics, everything is generally the same as in MM2. By default, we are given six of the above characters, but in any city you can dismiss any of them and take on a new team. You can also hire up to two mercenaries who require a daily fee of hard cash, which increases with their level. There are five races in the game: human, elf, dwarf, gnome and half-orc (hello MM9!), Each of which has its own characteristics like initial resistance to magic or the ability to steal. The classes that existed in the last part (Knight, Paladin, Archer, Magus, Thief, Cleric, Barbarian, and Ninja) were added two new ones: the Ranger (initially with the Pathfinder skill) and the Druid (combines the magic of Magus and Cleric). Certain types of weapons, armor, as well as spells are available to each class (so, Magus can never elegantly demolish enemies with a katana head, but Ninja will not be able to throw fireballs at enemies).
Certain changes affected additional characteristics of objects: there was a list of about 250 objects before, and each of them had strictly specific properties. In MM3, the same system is used: there is a certain list of items (weapons, armor and miscellaneous), and the first two types can have two types of modifications: first, their indicators are affected by the material from which they are made, and secondly by their special magical property (fire damage and more). Thus, the probability of possible combinations is truly enormous.
The gameplay also did not go without a number of significant changes. The new interface greatly facilitated the process of the game - nine buttons appeared on the side: melee combat, archery, spell book, break, view Korak notes / task list, time and date, drive out the player, view quick reference on the squad and rest. During the battle, some buttons are replaced (block, run from the battlefield, and more). And, as you already guessed, the presence of buttons implies mouse support, and all this taken together makes this game quite playable for those who are used to the “modern” interface or simply do not like the purely keyboard style of the game. It should be noted that it was in this part that the faces of the characters appeared, which became classic in the M & M series. By clicking on any of the characters, you can go to the description of its characteristics and skills, and then from there - to the inventory and so on. In addition, another important change appeared: earlier, in order to detect monsters, it was necessary to “step on” the cage, where they are located, and now they will see you and run briskly towards you. Yes, yes, now the battles take place not in a separate mode from the game world, but directly here and now (that is, while you fight one group of enemies, others at this time will approach from all sides and wait for their turn). However, the number of enemies with whom you can fight in melee is limited to three: if you killed one of them, then another will immediately take its place, such a person next to you.
As for the graphics, then, finally, you can forget about the ripples in the eyes of the once-fashioned 16-color EGA: the image is now much richer in terms of the palette, and the image resolution has become greater.
What can be said, summing up? Might & Magic III: Isles of Terra - this is a great RPG with many advantages and special charm. I am sure it will appeal to true lovers of the genre, and to fans of the world of M & M in particular.
- 02-03-2021 14:29:07