Recognizing the birth of a legend is not easy. Only after passing unscathed through the millstones of an indifferent time, a work of art can gain the glory of a true masterpiece. Once upon a time, in the mid-80s, Rogue could not boast the highest score given to her by game reviewers. However, did she deserve it then? Perhaps not. Perhaps even the developers themselves - a group of young enthusiasts without much experience behind their backs - did not dare to think about the magnitude of the effect that their creation would have on the industry (in fact, some of them could, but it was more the voice of selfishness than the result of common sense ). But now, when Rogue became the ancestor of a broad trend in game-building and spread all over the world on the wings of glory, we can say without a shadow of a doubt - yes, this is a milestone in the history of the development of games as an art. And it is not at all surprising that exploring the infinite darkness of the dungeons of this RPG is interesting now, even with its modest pseudo-graphics, and with a relatively small number of diverse features compared to modern rogue-like projects. What awaits a curious adventurer and profit there, in the deceptive silence of the depths?
And waiting for his huge pile of features, unusual solutions and deadly dangers, scattered randomly on dozens of floors on the go created dungeon. Madam Chance in person is perhaps your main partner and at the same time ruthless opponent in Rogue. It is thanks to her that the game always keeps in itself an element of surprise - no matter whether you are green or novice robber. Together with the changing levels of each game, all other elements depending on them are also different - the location of rooms, doors, traps, useful and harmful objects and, most importantly, monsters. On the last conversation is special, now let us dwell on the structure of the dark catacombs, in which you have to spend all the playing time.
The dimensions of each level do not exceed one screen, and this small space is divided into several small rooms (total number not exceeding nine), between which the narrow blocks of corridors snake. Your character remembers the passages once passed, so you won’t get lost in principle. And although from time to time you will encounter “dark” halls, the inner space of which is covered with darkness when moving two or three steps away from them, the research process is completely different. As you know, your main goal, the holy of holies of Rogue, Amulet of Yendor, is hidden on the most secure, lowest floor of the dungeons. Naturally, those who hid it so carefully, made sure that not a single thief reached out with his greedy hands to an extraordinary relic. Therefore, you have to learn how to search for traps scattered here and there, among which there are both relatively harmless and deadly devilish devices that do not give an awkward adventurer a second chance. By the time of our robber, nothing limits, but, on the other hand, quite natural needs for food can get in his way. The hero could not take a large supply of provisions with him or did not guess, so he would have to eat those foodstuffs that he would meet on the way. Hence the conclusion - to endlessly stand at every suspicious section of the wall, looking for the next raised slab, will fail. But such is your profession - after all, who does not risk, as you know, he does not drink champagne, does not bathe in gold and does not find Amulets. You can always hope that at the next turn you will get powerful enchanted armor, able to protect you from unexpected death in the event of inaccurate actions.
With armor, however, there is also a discrepancy. No, they are scattered here quite a lot - in addition to the abundance of rings, weapons and magic potions with scrolls. But you can also use all this good only at your own peril and risk - you never know if the next thing you put on will be a high-quality artifact or a damned bait for fools, designed to poison your life with all sorts of harmful effects and degradation. Of course, there are in Rogue and scrolls of identification of objects. But to find out that such a scroll turned out to be in your hands can only be read it at least once. And, believe me, before you find what you are looking for, many spells of a very harmful property will pass through your inventory. However, about the risk, we have already spoken somewhat higher, it remains only to get used to his constant presence. Moreover, without spending time identifying things that have accumulated in a backpack, you will never be able to penetrate the lower, most interesting and mining-rich levels. After all, there are already waiting for you ...
Are you afraid of the letters T? Perhaps, it is unlikely - this is a rather useful element of the alphabet to respect and love it, but there is nothing in it that would inspire fear. In any case, this is the common opinion of those who have not played in Rogue. But be prepared for the fact that it is time to change your view on the usual things. To meet an unprepared character in a remote section of stone palaces the letter T - and he risks never to leave unfriendly dungeons again. Trolls (namely, they will terrorize you, hiding under the seemingly harmless guise) can become a real nightmare for anyone who does not show sufficient caution when dealing with them. But these creatures are just one of two dozen types of evil and very hungry monsters infested on the approaches to the Amulet. Not for life, but for death, you have to fight with the centaurs, defeat the proud griffins, search for dark invisible phantoms and send dozens of greedy orcs to the world. Goblins, vampires, restless bats ... Each enemy is happy to show you his unique habits that you need to learn if you want to succeed in his heroic campaign. And then it will be necessary to summon all the strength of the artifacts found on the way down and to show courage and ingenuity so as not to leave the monsters a chance to win.
About miracles and extraordinary discoveries waiting for a player in the world of Rogue, you can talk tirelessly for hours on end. It's amazing how in such a small program we managed to accommodate both rooms with unprecedented treasures, and powerful magic, and level creation algorithms that provide you with new adventures with each launch of the game. The concept of this RPG has survived to this day, having undergone only minor changes, and its spirit - and in this you can be sure - will never die. Because legends live forever, and they are always ready to please both loyal fans and beginners in the genre with their unforgettable gameplay and amazing, forever leaving an imprint in the memory of the atmosphere. If you are not yet familiar with Rogue, it's time to find in it a new pleasant companion for the next few evenings. If behind your shoulders is not one Amulet pulled out from the depths of the earth, then why not do it again? After all, a pleasure like this is not boring.
- 02-03-2021 14:29:07