Shrek Movie Charted on FNF
Here you can play game Shrek Movie Charted on FNF Html 5 in browser online.
This game is classified as Arcade. If you like it, leave your impressions in the comments. And also share with others in the social networks. Enjoy all!
Mod Credits:
If you had fun and would like to keep up-to-update on the mod, make sure to support these cool mod creators on their social media by subscribing, following, liking, etc.
- bruh_man: Charted the entire movie into FNF
- Dreamworks: Shrek movie
- Some guy on Steam: For uploading a 1080p verison of Shrek onto Wallpaper Engine’s workshop ( thank you very much who ever you are )
- Lisstim: Shrek character & stage
- Bonus song creator: Obama Comedy channel
- Monkeyx 5: Ripped Shrek sprites
- fpsPlus: picopalmod lose icon
- VS Eteled: bfenemy lose icon
- MoldyGH: Dave
- wildy: Little Man
- GeorgVolkov: Monika miss sprites
- CatBoySlim: Ripped the sounds for menu scroll, select, and escape.
- 02-03-2021 14:29:07