Star Trek
The "grandfather" of all current space strategies, Star Trek appeared back in 1971 on large "mini-computers." Despite the fact that their working hours were very expensive and the mainframe destination was far from entertaining, Star Trek became - as some journalists like to put it - a “bomb” and one of the favorite games of the operators of these machines. And after the opening of the source code, Star Trek with great speed spread across all the platforms known to mankind (at that time), not even Soviet-made cars were left aside. The number of its ports and modifications is difficult to count: here you have versions in the classic "text" version, and with graphics of varying degrees of quality, and "crafts" of amateur programmers, and variations from large game studios, sold for money. The main idea of Star Trek, as you might guess, was borrowed from the Star Trek series: a small but well-armed spaceship flies through the galaxy and destroys everything that threatens the freedom and democracy of the United Federation of Planets.
In this particular case, we are dealing with one of the ports due to the authorship of an unknown programmer for IBM PC-compatible machines, which differs from the original only in the absence of the player’s third type of weapon - the "death ray", which could lead to the destruction of a spaceship controlled by us. Otherwise, neither the basic mechanics, nor the graphics (that is, its complete absence) did not undergo any changes.
Gameplay Star Trek turn-based; per turn, you can move our cruiser once, attack or repair damaged parts of the ship. Actually, the main goal in ST is to destroy all enemy fighters in the allotted number of moves (the number of opponents and the duration of the party are set randomly). To solve this problem, the Enterprise, as our ship is called, is equipped with a “phaser” (something that shoots anywhere on the map and has auto-targeting the enemy) and photon torpedoes. The latter, unlike the phaser, need manual target designation, they can attack only one enemy ship, and the stars for them are an insurmountable obstacle. Of the means of protection there are energy panels. No comments.
The playing field is two-level. The first is a “galaxy”, a rectangle divided into 8 cells (quadrants) and intended for “strategic planning” (the results of long-range reconnaissance are shown here, and, of course, it is more convenient to carry out calculations for flights in this mode). The second level - quadrants, are also divided into 8 cell sectors; here, tactical battles are held between the player’s cruiser and enemy ships, as well as maneuvers when docking with space stations that are friendly to us. In addition, in quadrants you will find a third type of object - stars. Their main purpose is to complicate navigation, well, enemies can use them in order to hide from torpedoes fired by the player.
In addition to the “temporary” factor, you also need to consider the reserves of fuel ("energy") of the Enterprise. It is spent not only on flights, but also on charging the phaser and shields; accordingly, the more energy was directed at them, the more powerful the attack and the stronger the defense. You need to replenish fuel reserves at player-friendly space bases; In the same place, by the way, the repair of cruiser mechanisms damaged in battle is carried out (although the crew can fix minor breakdowns on their own).
Star Trek forever inscribed his name in the hall of fame for computer games, becoming the same classics as Tetris, Arkanoid, Space Invaders and many others. Whether or not to play it is up to you, but for the sake of being able to take a look at the beginning, Star Trek can be allocated some disk space and five minutes of your life.
- 02-03-2021 14:29:07