Star Trek 5: The Final Frontier
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier is another multi-genre game for the Star Trek series, this time for a very specific fifth movie. It is distinguished from most other games in this universe by its truly large-scale and more or less thought-out plot, which is presented in the so-called “Captain’s log” ’ah. If you try to retell it very briefly, you will have to play for the captain of the Enterprise, Kirk, who is forced to interrupt his vacation due to an emergency: the three consuls were meanly kidnapped by the villain Saibok from the Vulcan race on the planet Nimbus III, notorious for its parapsychological abilities. The Enterprise tried to save the consuls, but Sybok captured the ship, making his crew virtually his captives, and now wants to use the Enterprise to fulfill his crazy dream - to find the Garden of Eden in order to gain the power of the gods. This place is located on the mysterious planet Sha Ka Ri, located - presumably - beyond the Great Barrier, where not a single person has been yet. And the Enterprise course is forced to keep it there. But there is one more circumstance: everything that happened became known in the Klingon Empire, so Klingon Klaa, who hates Kirk, decides to take advantage of the situation and destroy the old enemy ...
There are three difficulty levels to choose from. The gameplay itself seems rather complicated at first, but then you can get used to it. Conventionally, it is divided into four components. The first is the quest part, which consists in viewing the most beautiful drawn static pictures and minimal dialogs (do not forget that you are a prisoner on your own ship and are forced to submit to the villain for now). The second, the main one, is the control of a ship familiar from many other games in the series; here, the main attention is paid to conventional space battles and hyperspace jumps, which are quite difficult to accomplish (in terms of the list of necessary actions). In addition, there are some purely arcade "inserts" - for example, space battles in real time with a view from the cockpit and even hand-to-hand combat (very rare).
The main advantage of the game is, of course, its graphics, especially the quality of rendering various pictures-scenes: each can be called a true work of art. But the game itself leaves an ambiguous impression. It seems to be quite long, and the plot is finally truly large-scale and fascinating, but still not happy as it should. Nevertheless, a look at it is worth all old-gamers who love unusual old games, and especially to fans of the same-name film and the series as a whole.
- 02-03-2021 14:29:07