Star Wars: Dark Forces
Star Wars: Dark Forces is the first 3D-Action with a view from the eyes, which takes place in the world of Star Wars.
You play as Kyle Katarn, a former Imperial soldier and current mercenary in the service of the Rebels, who, in addition to hijacking the Death Star plans, will prevent the Empire from launching mass production of any kind of Rebel base.
What makes Dark Forces stand out from many other Doom clones? Let's start with the plot, things secondary to the majority of representatives of the genre of 3D-Action. In Dark Forces, you will not only have to break through the crowds of enemies to the cherished Exit button, but to carry out missions clearly set for you, which are quite consistent with the general storyline. The plot is revealed not only in the briefings, but also in the animated inserts, which adds a little more liveliness to everything that happens.
The events of the game will bring Kyle not only to the imperial bases. He will have to visit both on the surface of ice planets and in alien palaces, and, of course, it was impossible to do without visiting sewers.
Compared to the same Doom, Kyle has the ability to look up and down, jump and crouch. At the same time, all abilities will have to be used to perform tasks - without crawling under obstacles and jumping on platforms, things will not do.
But do not forget about shooting, one of the main components of any game of this genre. The choice provided ten types of weapons. The arsenal is quite diverse and includes everything from laser rifles and grenades to mortars and ion cannons. Some weapons have an alternative shooting mode, which only adds a little more variety and depth to the gameplay.
Opponents, who will have to test all the variety of weapons available to you, will not let you get bored for a long time. Of course, imperial officers and stormtroopers (stormtroopers) will not be able to provide decent resistance, but various forms of robots, droids and aliens already pose a sufficient danger to Kyle, and they should not be spared any ammunition.
The main drawback of the game is the saves system. Initially, you have three lives left. Extra lives are covered in hard to reach places. The levels are divided into several segments, and if you were killed, then you, having lost one life, will find yourself at the beginning of the segment that you were able to reach. Well, if you decide to quit the game or lose all lives, the mission will have to go completely over.
Summarizing all the above, I want to note that, despite the strange system of saves, this game is definitely worth it to go through at least once. The graphics, plot and variety of weapons and opponents will make its passage as exciting and interesting as possible.
- 02-03-2021 14:29:07