Tetris 1986

Emulators (You can try another emulator if current one doesn't work with game):

Tetris 1986

Tetris is what started it all (in 1986). Who would have thought that the game “Electronics-60” written in the distant 1985 year (and a year later ported to the IBM PC XT) game, which constituted only the text (ok, pseudo-graphics) and a simple disgraceful sense, would cause such resonance among gamers, give the author worldwide fame and generate countless clones in both 2D and 3D-performance?

But it caused, and presented, and begets to this day. Well, once again we are convinced that everything ingenious is simple.

  1. avatar


    - 02-03-2021 14:29:07
    Wow Tetris 1986! That's incredible game, i will play it later...