Theme hospital
An apologist for the Theme family is Theme Hospital. It did not have that wild popularity on consoles, like Theme Park and on the PC, like SimCity. But it was a really cool game.
Its creators, the company Bullfrog, previously distinguished by writing such a masterpiece as Dungeon Keeper, produced an office and home endless timekiller. Insanely ridiculous diseases of patients, no less insane methods of treating them (as an example, the main disease is excessive head swelling. Removed from the surgeon by piercing it), a good economic component and, as mentioned above, the possibility of endless gameplay. Not so much on the script, but on request. Playing is interesting, fun and not boring for a VERY long time. What is surprising is that the psychological factor of employees was taken into account for the first time, and the next time I saw such a system only in NBA Live 07. And this is amazing. But this game refers, as we have defined it, to the silver age of video games (mid-to-end of the 90s), to be more precise, 1997 is notable for the appearance of this toy on the shelves. And the mere fact that its reprint last year in Russian enjoyed quite a good popularity speaks volumes.
The graphics are soft, rounded, pleasant and unobtrusive. Music is perceived as a pure background, but sound treatment is the apotheosis of the sound-building industry after Pope DOOM, the sounds of which are still successfully used in many (if not all) science-fiction films (and not only).
- 02-03-2021 14:29:07