Transarctica is an unusual representative of the post-apocalyptic genre: an armored train commander simulator with elements from Pirates!, Planet's Edge and Red Storm Rising.
The end of the world has come ... But not in the form of nuclear war, but in the form of the next Ice Age. The self-proclaimed Arctic Baron cuts through the icy desert, once former Europe, in his armored train, collecting soldiers, engineers and slaves (and also mammoths) under his banner and fighting nonstop for his life ...
The essence of the game is as follows: we command the train. We must move back and forth on the map, trading with surviving settlements, fighting enemy trains and grabbing additional resources needed for our survival (first of all, coal for a locomotive, and secondly, weapons and food).
The composition of the train can be changed at any station - to buy a couple of missing wagons (for example, a wagon for transporting animals - so that there was a place to load mammoths), for example, or sell unnecessary ones. Command wagons allow us to repair sabotaged paths by nomadic nomads, to manage the spies that we have introduced in one or another city, and simply monitor the condition of the train.
Still, in the best traditions of the Fallouts, we may encounter random encounters - starting from broken rails (which need to be fixed ... and along the way from behind the dune - that is, from the glaciers - evil nomads crawl out and storm the train) and herds of mammoths ( they can and should be taken with them - in train-to-train battles they have no price) and right up to ambushes in tunnels (a log is on the way, people are for an assault on a command car). The battles take place in a kind of SydMeyr Pirates! - we need to coordinate the actions of our people, trying to prevent the enemies from using dynamite to damage the composition ...
Summary. A game for those who like submarine simulations - because the extra-combat part is very similar. Those who like post-apocalyptic games, but the "post-core" is tired. A game for those who value the thoughtfulness and quality of games from Silmarils - because of the reputation.
- 02-03-2021 14:29:07