Wrath of Earth
Wrath of Earth is a futuristic FPS with tons of interesting innovations for the time. You play as a space reconnaissance commander, and you can pass for two characters with slightly different characteristics: both a man and a woman. The game was made by beginners in the field of gaming - a small team of enthusiasts of several people with a minimum of financial capabilities. Perhaps such a “successful” combination just determined the remarkable quality of the game product and the mass of innovative approaches in gameplay ...
The story is simple. With a delay of 5 years, an alarming signal came to Earth from the planet Thermadax, from a mining village, where something valuable was mined in the mines. At the end of the message there were wonderful lines: "... don’t try to send help here!" Your task is to understand all this confusion on the spot. There is information about survivors, but the remaining majority of people are either brainless zombies or colonists who, unfortunately, are already controlled by an unidentified enemy. There is also information about the invasion of the planet by robotic units ...
The emphasis in this shooter is made, first of all, on realistic interaction with the environment (objects, keys, characters), and there is also a simulation of effects from the influence of physical environmental factors on the player: temperature, radiation, lighting and the state of the floor surface. Unlike other games of the genre, you see the world through the window of a combat suit (or you can say differently - an exoskeleton, spacesuit, bio-suit ...). Usually, for the first time, many people mistakenly think that they have gotten a kind of hybrid of a robot simulator and a “shooter,” however, the properties of a 3D shooter definitely dominate the game. On the display of the suit you can see an abundance of various indicators and information labels. At the bottom left are six main indicators (ammunition, radiation level, “outboard” temperature, energy, power shield and health). There is even a map, radar and infrared vision mode in the game; the latter looks very beautiful (in crimson tones) and is very useful, and sometimes vital in areas of the map with unusual properties.
In more detail, the modeling of interaction with physical factors in the Wrath of Earth game comes down to the following: there are surface properties taken into account (the sound of steps changes), the combat suit's handling is controlled in the cold (drifts), and the character’s health response to the radiation level is modeled, of course , which does not add points of "pinkness" to the protagonist. Additionally, in the fierce cold, you will also slowly and inevitably lose health. A very touching and realistic moment (especially for car drivers) - the suit’s battery in extreme cold will inevitably be discharged. A hot environment (lava) damages costume systems almost instantly and takes away your health. All combat suit systems have the properties of slow self-healing. The most basic and vital parameter (even more important than health) is the suit's supply of electricity. Natural and bright artificial lighting is used in the game as a source of recharging all the systems of your high-tech spacesuit.
Missions in the game can be divided into two types: missions on the surface and missions below the surface (mines, pyramids). There will be such missions where, in addition to the scattered batteries, due to the lack of lighting, the player will not have another way to recharge.
- 02-03-2021 14:29:07