ZZT ... A meaningless set of letters, specially selected so that the name is always listed at the end of the list. Authors from the then-small Potomac Computer Systems office, inspired by the possibilities of object-oriented programming, decided not to focus on graphics and sound, but on innovative, active gameplay. We added several adventure modules to the game, screwed up a simple but functional level editor - and ... it started. The success of ZZT was so great that the proceeds made it possible subsequently to develop the brilliant arcade Jill of the Jungle, which opened the way for the company (now called Epic MegaGames) into a large industry. After Jill’s adventures, there were Jazz Jackrabbit, One Must Fall, and the immortal Unreal series - it’s hard to believe that it all started with a small step, which nevertheless brought such amazing results. And now you have the opportunity to personally touch the story and experience the power of ZZT's mesmerizing magic on yourself.
What is a game with such a mysterious name? As already mentioned, the emphasis was not on graphics, so get ready to contemplate multi-colored ASCII characters for a long time. Naturally, this does not interfere with the game process, since all objects are clearly visible and noticeably different from each other, avoiding confusion. Our hero is traditionally presented in the form of a smiling face, and we look at what is happening from a bird's eye view, observing the entire location immediately. Each of the modules presented in the game consists of dozens of locations bonded to each other, which, in turn, necessarily contain a kind of hack, some unusual riddle, to the essence of which you need to get to the bottom. The ultimate goal is to go through all available locations, find all the keys scattered around them and open the doors to the last room, which leads to victory. The keys, of course, do not just roll around in the open. Often they are located in small labyrinths, and often in more inaccessible places. Sometimes, however, there are no keys, but you just need to be able to get to the exit and not die on the way. The difficulty is that each screen is a real mini-puzzle. The solution mechanics are necessarily hidden in it, but you will never succeed in discovering it at the first attempt. And what you just do not have to do in order to survive: move the square boxes, freeing the passages; poke at random teleportators, hoping to get to the right place; push and detonate bombs, paving the way forward; move to the touch along invisible walls; torchlight dark corridors. To evade traps, to the avoidance of death, wage a merciless war with an aggressive fauna, look for secret passages, trade with merchants wandering into the light ... And all this is on deadly screens where every careless movement leads to the need to replay an episode where you have to think about every step, really think, straining gyrus and applying all the learned tricks. I have not said that the whole game takes place in real time? And if you suddenly freeze at a crossroads, not knowing which way to go, then do not expect that your example will be followed by a flock of wild, hungry and very angry lions chasing on the heels.
Yes, in addition to puzzles in this game there are typical opponents. However, they can be called typical only conditionally, because each of the presented types of enemies has its own habits and favorite habitats. Giant worms like to bury themselves in the narrow corridors of the labyrinths, where the victim does not have the opportunity to evade the bite to the side. Lions always attack with big prides, not giving the opponent a chance to win. Thieves will chase you for a long time, not wanting to part with a possible prey ... There are many living dangers, and you will have to learn about their properties yourself, having spent many attempts on this. But this is the only way to succeed in this unfriendly world.
Our nameless hero, however, is by no means defenseless and is able to give attackers a rebuff. His weapons are projectiles, which cause serious damage to any enemy and kill most of the pursuers in one hit. Since all the action takes place in real time, and the movement speed of both you and the opponents is rather big, periodically the ZZT turns into a kind of shoot 'em up with cool maneuvers and crazy feints - all in order to save your own life. Any means are good here, and if you managed to take advantage of the dangers of the maze to protect yourself from the pursuers, all the better. The shells are not infinite, moreover, their stock is extremely small, but if it becomes very tight, you can buy additional equipment from random merchants joyfully exchanging ammunition for the gems you found. Just do not forget that the main weapon is still your head, and a true adventurer will be able to overcome most of the dangers with the help of improvised means.
- 02-03-2021 14:29:07