Dungeon Keeper
Dungeon Keeper has made a real revolution in the foundations of the computer industry. The slogan "It's good to be bad" was remembered for a long time.
The game combines strategy and 3D-Action from the first person, and it does it perfectly. You take on the role of the Dungeon Master, a personification of the evil of the underworld. Your power is enclosed in a stone called the "Heart of the Underground", and this stone is sought to destroy the good heroes that your existence does not allow to fall asleep. With them and with other Lords, and you have to fight with different methods.
By arranging dungeons you attract to yourself various types of monsters. This is your main strength. You can control monsters directly only if you move into one of them (here is the use of the 3D-Action genre) with a special spell. In other cases, you only have to “advise” the monsters to act in a certain way, by throwing them into a certain room. For example, if you throw the Sorcerer into the Library, he will begin to look for new spells for you, and if you place him in the Training Hall, he will begin to improve his fighting skills. Each monster needs rest and food, each of them is subject to flashes of panic or unbridled rage, each of them is able to develop by raising levels. And if the conditions of your dungeon do not suit him, he will simply leave. So keep and cherish monsters - one of your main tasks.
In order not to expose them once again at risk, there are traps. They are created in the Workshop and are designed to make your life easier. After all, what could be better than seeing an entire detachment of adventurers, smeared on the walls of your dungeon with a huge cobblestone? Or, if you have Prison and the Room of Torture, you can starve the good heroes for a start, and then try to find out various secrets in the torture room or entice them to your side. The developers gave free rein to their fantasy, so for different types of heroes the torture will be different, but always very sophisticated.
If you like the idea of being evil, you are bound to try this game. From it you get just a lot of fun and pleasure.
- 02-03-2021 14:29:07