Worms... How do you imagine these animals? Long slimy creatures without eyes, filled with red blood, with whom it is good only to go fishing? Fortunately, the game is not about them. The worms from Team 17 have practically nothing to do with real prototypes. They are funny, inventive and very, very dangerous (the last to read in the style of "Dirty Harry").
For some unknown reason, these crumbs decided to break up into teams of four four ... rvyaka and devote their lives to the destruction of all other teams. In most militarist games, the heroes defend their right to a place in the sun, shedding rivers of blood and leaving behind them mountains of mutilated bodies. In Worms, the violence looks very conditional. A direct bazooka hit here can only cause a smile (even if it is slightly bloodthirsty). At the same time, Worms is very original, and the gameplay is such that it does not come off.
In fact, Worms is the heir to games like Tank Wars and Scorched Earth. You still choose the type of shells, the angle of fire and the power of the shot on the rugged terrain. But your players can move and masterly master a variety of weapons (from a shotgun to homing missiles), martial arts techniques, and even enjoy the support of Allied aviation. In addition, the worms have so many “peaceful” skills that the lemmings themselves (Lemmings play) will envy them! They can dig the ground (who would doubt), put barriers, jump from the cliff, tie a rope to the tail (?), And even teleport to the opposite end of the map.
Each game (match) is played until one team wins in several rounds (almost all parameters are adjusted). For each round, random letters of letters and numbers generate intricate cards (the same ones - you can write down your favorite combinations). Bottom - water (acid, lava, syrup, waste). Once there, the worm dies (without a hook and fishing line worms - unimportant swimmers). Right and left - absolute nothing, swallowing everything in it. Your task is to get rid of all opponents by zeroing their life points (hit points) or throwing them into the water / behind the screen. Worms with 0 hit points self-destruct (causing damage to all their neighbors). Each move of the team one of its worms (in turn) is entitled to move and do something. After that, the course moves from one team to another. Such a system provides interesting advantages in a situation where only one fighter remains in the team. Already, it would seem, a lost round can be saved due to a more frequent offensive turn.
All elements of the relief (soil, trees, candy, gallows) are insurmountable obstacles. And if you blow a candy stick with a shell, the treacherous sweetness will not fall on those standing under it, and it will remain hanging in the air. But don’t worry, there are enough surprises in the game without it: mines (including false ones) are scattered everywhere, on top someone drops containers with medicines, super weapons (like a sheep stuffed with dynamite) or a mine trap (stuffing a banana bomb to this joker rear ... seed receivers)
At the same time in the game can be up to four teams, each of which can be controlled either by a person or by an AI of a given skill level. Accordingly, you can put all the AI teams and follow the spectacular computer “showdowns” or invite three friends to your home and decide once and for all who is better! The last option is the most preferred. In the distant 90s each of my friends on my computer had its own team of worms with unique names and other settings (voices, tombstones). Hot Seat (multiplayer with one computer) tournaments in Worms were the most fun pastime. If several people play, elements of diplomacy appear. The fights on the monitor can spill over its limits, when one of the participants attacks the other with a heart-rending cry of the type: “We agreed on non-aggression on this turn!”. And the answer is: “How could I know that the grenade, having ricocheted off the wall, would throw a mine on yours with a blast wave? This reptile, by the way, and took my water with me! ”. However, even playing Worms is fun. Many consider the hot-seat in Worms to be an unsurpassed game for a large company. A comic situation can talk endlessly. But what's the point? Maybe it's better to try it yourself?
- 02-03-2021 14:29:07