Snake Battle
Snake Battle is a unique game of its kind: if you look only at the battle process, then it seems that there is nothing special about it. 2-4 multi-colored snakes are released into the aviary and begin to chase after each other, trying to bite off the tail, while becoming one segment longer. The snake wins, whose tail will be longer by the end of the round, or it will completely absorb the opponents. However, not everything is so simple - the fact is that the behavior of the snake in battle needs to be programmed. It does not make sense to describe the programming process of the behavior of our ward in detail, the instruction on how to do this is attached to the game. But I will tell you about the basic principles. Each snake has nine memory cards, each card is a 5x5 cell field around the head of the snake, this field sets the situation in which the reptile can fall, and the direction in which it should move, once in this very situation. For example, if there is an enemy tail directly in front of the snake’s nose, then the direction of movement should be towards it (in order to bite off a piece of it), and not to the left or right. Moreover, if several situations coincided at the same time, the one that stands first will be executed. If the situation in which the snake is located is not described in any map, then it chooses a direction randomly. There are three levels of editing memory cards: beginner, amateur and expert; the higher the level, the more “operators” are available for programming.
As in other games from GAMOS, in "Snake Fight", although minimalistic, but nice looking graphics. As for the recommendations, you can recommend this wonderful game exclusively to everyone, especially the company of friends who will be able to compete with each other in the difficult task of programming cyber snakes.
- 02-03-2021 14:29:07